PQPlatform - TrustSys
Ultra-Secure, PQC-first, Root-of-Trust
A complete PQC-focused security system that provides architects with the tools needed for the quantum age and beyond. PQPlatform-TrustSys is a fully programmable Root-of-Trust subsystem, containing advanced post-quantum (ML-KEM, ML-DSA) and classical cryptography (ECC and RSA – essential for hybrid and legacy protocols during transition), enabling bulk encryption, hash acceleration, advanced accelerators for symmetric cryptography, including AES, SHA2, SHA3, HMAC, and seamless integration with third-party components. PQPlatform-TrustSys can also be deployed with our world-leading fault-tolerance and power/EM side-channel attack countermeasures.
Get In Touch
We can advise you on everything you need to know on post-quantum cryptography, and we’d be delighted to help, or discuss a partnership.