PQCと日本の勢い / Japanese Momentum with PQC

Ben Packman, our Senior Vice President, recently visited Japan again to see existing customers and new prospects. He commented, “I always love visiting Japan; the people are so welcoming, professional and engaging, and it’s always been an incredible place to talk about innovation and creativity.”

先日、シニア・バイス・プレジデントのBen Packmanがお客様やプロスペクトにお会いするために日本を訪問しました。彼は「日本への訪問が大好きです。日本の人々はとても歓迎的で、プロフェッショナルで魅力的、イノベーションを語るには素晴らしい場所です」とコメントしております。

We’ve been delighted with the momentum PQShield has built with our Japanese customers and companies, and it was a privilege to be there again, discussing post-quantum cryptography and quantum resilience with sectors such as automotive, critical national infrastructure, banking, heavy industries and new potential distributors.


Our customers include the likes of:


Mirise Technologies, (jointly owned by Toyota and Denso) where we are working on in-vehicle security,


Sumitomo Electric, who are collaborating with us on PQC for automotive components,


NTT Data Group Corporation is also working with PQShield on post-quantum cryptography in Japan across multiple verticals


PQShield appointed Intralink, an international business development consultancy specializing in Asia, to support its entry to the Japanese market. The success has meant we recently agreed to expand our work with Intralink into Korea, as part of the UK-APAC growth fund.

PQShieldは、アジアに特化した国際的な事業開発コンサルタント企業であるイントラリンクを日本市場参入のサポートに起用した。日本市場での成功を機に、UK-APAC growth fundの一環として、イントラリンクとの仕事を韓国に拡大することに合意しました。

PQShield’s mission is to modernize the cryptography that powers the world’s technology supply chain, and we know how significant Japan is to this effort. It’s wonderful to see the Japanese market accelerating, and increasing awareness of adopting post-quantum cryptography. 

PQShieldのミッションは、 世界のテクノロジー・サプライチェーンを支える暗号技術を近代化することです。この取り組みが日本において非常に重要なことを理解しています。日本市場において、ポスト量子暗号の導入の必要性が加速し、認知度が高まっていることを素晴らしく思います。

To find out more, please download the first two parts of our ongoing series on Cryptography Modernization, now available in native Japanese.
